What is AutismDadvocate.org?
AutismDadvocate.org is an online support forum for dads with children with autism and about the commonalities we all face as fathers.
Frequently, fathers follow the American tradition of rugged individualism and rarely have an honest and earnest discussion on the challenges of fatherhood. What does it mean to be an engaged father? What are the tensions and polarities we all face as fathers? And why do we so often soldier forward alone?
AutismDadvocate.org may not necessarily appeal to all fathers. But there is a growing and inspiring segment of Gen X, Gen Y, and Millennials who see being a father as the most important role they will play in their lives.
AutismDadvocate.org offers blog entries, personal stories, and workshops that connect with this fresh definition of father in North America.

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and other Dads!
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If it meets autismdadvocate.org's guidelines,
we'll post it!
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